Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just Visiting

A long time ago their lived a little girl. She had long thick strawberry blonde curls that fell to the bottom of her pinafore and big sparkly blue eyes that made everyone smile when she looked at them. Her mother was a nurse and the little girl was her only child. Because the mother did not want to leave her child alone, the mother would take the little girl to work with her. The little girl loved this very much.

The mother worked at a special place. It was called "THE VALLEY OF THE SUNSHINE SCHOOL". Inside the school there were three large rooms. One room was for learning, the other for eating and the last for sleeping. The sleeping room had many iron beds that looked like baby cribs so the kids would not wander or fall out in the night. The children had no ages and smiled at the little girl all of the time. Some big kids wore diapers and some little kids looked very old. They gave her many hugs everyday and laughed at her jokes. Elliot hugged her the most often. Sometimes he hugged her so tight that the old little kids had to loosen his embrace. He was stronger than he knew. She knew he didn't mean to squeeze her to death. Her Mom told her so. She said he was just loving her to pieces. This made her giggle. The little girl loved them all very much.

One day the little girl saw a Father drop his child off. Mothers and fathers were hardly ever seen at the school. He said crying to the little girl's mother, "Her name is Phyllis. She is four years old. Please be kind to her. I will miss her always." Phyllis was wearing a diaper and a pink cotton t-shirt that said "Make me Smile". She was very pretty and her head was extra large with little hair for making ponytails. As the father walked out the door she cried for him, "Daddy come back. I'm scared!" The little girl, feeling Phyllis's fear ran up to her and said. "It's okay, I will play with you. It will make the sadness go away. We will make paper dolls and dance until the sunshine sets." Phyllis shared a faint smile and confidently replied, "I'm just visiting." The little girl's mother took them both to a safe corner where they could create, pretend and move about freely.

Phyllis was very smart. The little girl, being just six at the time, decided that Phyllis had a big head because she was smarter than most four year olds and her brains were just growing faster than her body. Every day they would read, write, play and dance. Then one day the little girl had to go to school. This meant leaving Phyllis alone a lot of the time.

Public School was nothing like The Sunshine School. The kids at the new school did not hug the little girl or laugh at her jokes. In fact, they were never glad to see her like her other friends at the Sunshine School. She already knew how to read and write and do arithmetic. She had known how to do this since she was three, so school was very boring and she lived under her desk and would sneak out on the playground or hide in the bathroom whenever she could. Sometimes her mother would come and get her and scold her. She would say things like, "you are going to get me fired if I have to keep leaving work in the middle of the day to come and get you." The little girl would cry for a minute and then she'd realize that she would get to return to the Sunshine School with her mother...where Phyllis was "just visiting".

Eventually, first grade became so boring that the school moved the little girl into a special class with other kids that had a hard time listening to old news. They made her read all of the time to other adults that would ask her big questions. They would bring in heavy big people books and grownup magazines and ask her to read to them. They would look surprised. She thought it sad that a little kid could read and they still couldn't. She did not like it at all. Finally she refused to read for anyone anymore, except Phyllis.

Summer break finally came around and the little girl had not seen Phyllis for weeks. She couldn't wait to see her. Carrying a bag of her favorite toys into the learning room, she noticed there was no Phyllis. Dropping the toys she ran into the eating room. No Phyllis. Could it be that her visit was over? Had her Daddy come back? Then as she peeked into the sleeping room she saw Phyllis sitting upright in her crib. Phyllis was all alone in the sunlit room. The little girl asked, "Were you sleeping?" Phyllis replied, "Oh No. I just can't stand up anymore. My head makes me fall over." The little girl crawled up and over into her crib only to find that Phyllis's head had grown to twice its size since her last visit. The little girl was convinced that Phyllis was probably a genius by now given the size of her brain and her head's obvious enormity. "It's okay", said the little girl. "I will play with you here until your body catches up with your head. It won't be long. Probably by the end of summer you will match." Phyllis believed her and they played with paper dolls until the sun began to set in the sleeping room.

The mother picked up the sleepy little girl from Phyllis's crib and kissing Phyllis on her giant forehead unclasped the girls' fingers from one another's grip. Both mother and daughter were tired and returned home. That same night after a bubble bath, the little girl crawled in bed with her mother and began to ask questions, "Mommy where did my friend Elliot the hugger go?" The mother answered "To the colony". The little girl asked, "What is the colony?" Her mother replied, " It is where the children go when their bodies are too tired to continue."

The little girl thinking that Elliot was reviving himself at a Disneyland place asked, "When will he be back." The mother looked gently into her eyes and said, "God gives them wings at the colony... so they need not ever come back." The little girl thought this was very cool and wanted to know when she could get wings. The mother told her "when your job is done". "But I don't have a job', she replied. The mother continued, "Your job is to love everyone just like you love Phyllis." With a shocked and disappointed look she exclaimed, "I will never get my wings then because EVERYONE is a really big number!"

The next day the mother went to work while the little girl's father took her to the dentist. Afterwards he dropped her off at The Sunshine School. The little girl excited to be there, ran into the sleeping room preparing to jump up and over and into Phyllis's crib, only to find her missing again. She merrily scouted the eating room, then the learning room and when she could not find her, she ran looking for her mother. Running back into the sleeping room just in case she had missed Phyllis in her search, she saw her Mother standing by Phyllis's bed with eyes fixed upon where she last played. The little girl asked, "Where is Phyllis?" The mother replied, "She has gone to the colony." The little girl cried and cried. The mother comforted her saying that she will have big big wings that can carry the weight of her genius and she will never fall over again. The little girl asked, "What was her job?" The mother softly replied she was "Just Visiting" long enough to love you.

"In Memory of Elizabeth Isabelle Reel" RN for The Valley of the Sun School aka "Angels Unawares" The story took place from 1959-1961. The school was a refuge for mentally retarded children (dwarfs, mongoloids, developmentally disabled, down syndrome and hydrocephalic victims). Located in Phoenix Arizona, where the temperature exceeded 120 degrees often in the summer, there was no air conditioning to sooth or television to entertain. Friendship came in fanning one another, playing paper dolls and dancing till the sunshine set.

Dr. Zannah Hackett
Author Speaker Relationship Technologist and Preceptor

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Friday, September 25, 2009

How to Flirt Effectively

Men and women flirt differently, for different reasons and expect different outcomes to the flirting. However, if you put aside that outcome and flirt just to be friendly you are opening yourself to different opportunities. You may well end up with a new lover but if that doesn’t work out you could meet someone who becomes a good friend and who knows who she might introduce you to. Keep your options open.

After you have exchanged glances and smiles across a room and you are fairly confident that SHE thinks that she might like to get to know you better, send a drink to her. But remember that ALL you are buying is a drink. Don’t expect her to fall at your feet. Sometimes it is nice just to send someone a drink, watch when she receives it and smile, then look away – look back again later to show your interest.

If you find yourself invited to her table, keep you mind on the conversation and not on getting a date with her. Most women want to know what kind of person they are going out with long before they actually go out with them. Make an effort to get to know her and give her the opportunity to get to know you before diving in for a date.

Do not ever approach two women in the same group. No woman wants to feel like second best. Refrain from approaching one after another in the same group. You look like a loser and the women may think you are desperate and looking for any port in a storm. Even if you are, don’t show it.

When you compliment a woman make certain that it is a genuine compliment. There’s nothing worse than someone giving out a load of overblown lines. Everyone has something great about them, notice that and compliment them genuinely.

Do not ever put your hands on a woman uninvited. Some women have no objection to ‘touchy feely’ encounters, others are horrified by it. Respect the person until you have had the opportunity to know more about her. Touching can be a lovely flirty action, but should be confined to the arms or resting the hand just above the arms and NOT touching, until you know more. Test the personal space by moving closer, noticing the reactions then moving back a little to remove the threat.

Respect yourself at all times. Women always fall for men who are that little bit unreachable. Don't hover or grovel or act desperate. Think of yourself as special and know what you deserve the very best.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Expert's Guide to Rocket Piano

With over 20,000 happy customers under its belt, surely the Rocket Piano is the undisputed best piano playing course on the internet. While there are some who argue that the Rocket Piano actually serves little purpose for experienced players, I beg to differ. As an experienced piano player, I managed to learn something from the Rocket Piano course as I reviewed the entire course.

Initially, I had mixed feelings about how the course is broken down into smaller parts in different formats. I thought it disrupts consistency and does not encourage a good overall learning experience. As I explore further, I found that my initial concern is truly unfounded as every material serves its purpose fantastically. For example, an audio example is included for every song exercise there is in the package to act as a reference point. This is actually just as important as having a piano teacher playing a difficult song out next to you.

I have had many piano teachers before, but few can be compared to Ruth Searle of Rocket Piano.. Firstly, she incorporates new methods that are interesting and fresh (I wished I was taught to play like that), and secondly, she does not speak with a heavy accent or use difficult terms. In fact, throughout the lessons, I found myself immersed in the midst of learning something which I am already familiar with and my attention was completely captured.

My final observation about Rocket Piano is how detailed the overall package is. There are a few ebooks that are created for pianists of different levels, which by the way, are easy to understand with simple texts and diagrams. The audio examples make useful references, and the video lessons are recorded in the form of visual demonstrations to help beginners follow step by step. For beginners, it definitely makes piano learning much less intimidating. The variety of syllabus involved is also impressive.

All in all, I hold Rocket Piano very high in my regards because it has truly exceeded my expectations. I had previously thought it would be a monotonous chore to go through all the piano playing basics, but Rocket Piano actually encouraged me to look at a few concepts and techniques differently. Given that its content and delivery are beginner-friendly as well, the Rocket Piano is truly a top course that has something to offer to everyone.

My name is Bryan and I have been playing the piano for over ten years. I personally know what it takes to become a good piano player. If you want to learn how to play the piano or the keyboard or even organ, visit

Find more about our online piano course reviews Studying Piano.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Here is a recommended Singapore Home Movers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Online Trading Strategies - Be Logical and Careful

Online trading has become a norm rather than an exception. Now every trade is going online. Online trading requires sharp mind, information and action. Since, it is an online trading, you have to be really careful. Stock trading is now also done online. Since it involves huge investments by the already rich as well investments made by needy people who are seeking some additional income, there is a need for every one to devise some online trading strategies.

Stock trading is a process that involves buying and selling of stocks online with the help of stock brokers. The mercurial and volatile nature of stock markets warrants that you need to strategise every decision you make concerning stock buying and selling. Those who are novice in stock trading, it becomes even more essential to tread with caution and follow certain stock trading strategies.

One of the very important online trading strategies is to take position in an issue that is moving. Taking a position in an issue that is not progressing or moving in any direction is waste of money and time.

In traditional trading of stocks, generally a call is made to a broker, instructing him or her which stock you want to buy or sell. But now online trading strategies have changed. The Internet has made things simpler and you can trade in stocks using your own discretion. But a reliable broker is a must also. Then what trading strategies to follow to get hold of a trustworthy broker is the next question that comes to mind?

Though, there is no dearth of brokers that you can select from, you need to make sure that you find one who has sound financial backup and desired experience in this field. Be vigilant and look for a broker that possesses huge assets because you do not want your broker to file for bankruptcy.

Online trading strategies warrant that you should ask for information from leading brokerage agencies. You can ask them what minimum amount is needed to start trading and whether you will have to shell put some money for inactivity. You can also ask them what are their commission charges. One of the most logical online trading strategies is to trade in stocks with discipline and with a plan.

This article is written by David Jose on Online Trading Strategies. David Jose has been a avert writer on various online trading communities. His work has been published in several places across the web.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Novalyne, the Feast is Over [Laredo Texas] Arizona Blue-Gunfighter [Episode: #25] Part Two

Part Two to: Roofless Hades

[Texas, Laredo—1869] Arizona Blue found himself, barley, back across the Mexican boarder, wiping his brow, and thinking: he’d not spend any time in that roofless jail. The problem now was, he needed to find a bar and a quick drink: so he told himself. But before he could get off his horse and make it the bar, he fell off it, in front of a grocery store, Sam Howard’s Grocery. Looking out the window was Novalyne, Sam’s daughter, of 24-years. She quickly rushed sternly out to see the youthful ex soldier on his back, chocking on his own vomit. She moved him a bit, onto his side on the thickly grooved mud street, then asked a walker by—a friend of sorts—to assist her in bringing him into the back storage room of the store, the old Mexican, Tony, did as she asked: but looked deeply into Blue’s eyes, at his gun, Blue’s army shirt on, and came to the conclusion he was the one the Mexican authorities were looking for.

“Miss Novalyne,” he said in a sympatric way, “I think this is the critter they’re looking for across the boarder; he’s just drunk, I think he’s been drunk since the war ended with the states, he reeks like swine.”

Miss Novalyne was not surprised, and wittingly said, looking Tony sternly in the eyes, as if to say—should we take inventories, and said instead, “You’re probably right, too many drunks around here, maybe we can use him to build the clinic, Doc Belington, from Houston, said he’d not come down here until he had a clinic built, so until then, whose the doctor?”

Tony wasn’t sure if that was a question or a statement. So he said nothing.

It was all of three days before Blue could get to his feet and walk straight, Sam Howard had gone to Houston to gather up some store items, and wouldn’t be back for a week, enough time thought Novalyne, to sober up this critter, and see if he’d help with the clinic.

As it was, Blue did heal, it was on the forth day, and as she said closely on the cot by his side, she inform him:

“Stranger, you owe me, and I am to collect, you need to help build the clinic down the street, and you can’t do it drunk, or hurt. You had a rib broken, I did what I could for you, and you’ll breath better, and I fed you beans and bacon, you couldn’t swallow any meat, you were beat pretty bad, I suppose those Mexicans are still looking for you across the boarder. Give me your word you’ll not drink while in town, and you’ll help with the clinic, a man’s word is his honor, and you’d not like to be owing to a female, now would you?”

Blue was taken back a bit by her behavior, she was a bee, a stormy bee, with a long sting, but had pretty long light brown hair, slender and petite, as smiley and assured of herself as the day is long; with just enough spunk to make things worth while thought Blue. And she was right; he did not want to be owing to any man, and especially a woman.

“Ok, it’s about time the feast is over, time I suppose to stop drinking, if I can, it’s been one long drunk, a lot of ghosts from the war. How about money, I need to make money and a place to say?” he asked her.

“In your spare time you can work here, in the store, my dad was going to hire someone anyhow, so why not you. And as for sleeping (she hesitated looking into his deep blue eyes) you can sleep back here on this cot for a few more days, get some fresh air from the windows; it will scare any robbers, make them think twice, especially when they know Mr. Blue is in town.”

“How did you know my name?” asked Blue.

“You’re becoming famous Mr. Blue, and dangerous.” She smiled when she said the last word, and walked away, to allow Blue to get dressed.

It was as she said, Sam took a liking to Blue, and he helped build the clinic down the street, and the young doctor from Houston, came to town and set up practice. Blue remained in the back storage room; for the time being it was fine. And weeks turned into months.

A stormy and affectionate relationship developed between Blue and Novalyne, Sam saw it developing, but his daughter was too strong for him to control, in is old age, as often determined young adult daughters can be. She showed her interests in marriage often to Blue, and Blue, showed his, not as often but showed it nonetheless, the problem was, they never showed it as the same time. When he thought he was ready for love and marriage, she pointed out their differences, and she pointed out a lot of them. When she was insistent she was in love, he needed more freedom, and time to think; both passionate but fiercely independent, which made for an intense and exciting bond, but a rocky relationship. One Blue felt was impossible to sustain.

Under her caring he did sober up, but she had new plans, she told him, she was going to a graduate program at the University some place in Minnesota, and she’d be gone a while. She was if anything, a woman warrior of her day, thought Blue, and equal in fighting spirit to him; but a teacher, as she was, and wanting to be a higher grade did not fit into his plans, nor hers.

6/25/2006 [Lima, Peru]

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