Thursday, March 25, 2010

Appealing to Humanity

We are writing this letter to you in behalf of Gregory Reyes, who is due to be sentenced in your court on November 21, 2007.

We have been close friends of the entire Reyes family for approximately twenty years. We moved to San Diego from Illinois in 1988 when I became a partner in a golf shaft manufacturing company. My wife is a homemaker. We are the parents of two sons, and three grandchildren. I am now retired.

During my professional career, I traveled a good deal of the time, and this placed a tremendous burden on our family. It is for this reason, I am appealing to your humanity. Greg and Penny Reyes have two children, at very vulnerable ages. Taking their father away can only do more damage to this family than has already been done by the trial.

I don't believe the charges he has been found guilty| of warrant a prison sentence, and that for the good of the Reyes family, I hope you feel the same way. Putting Gregory Reyes behind bars will not serve society, but will indeed destroy a family.

Thank you for your consideration.

Gregory Reyes

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